Good bye yesterday

For some, this is a beginning of another year and this new year will hopefully bring some good fortune and prosperity. But for me everyday is a good day. Unit trust consultants will say the same thing except it sounds a bit different and more sweet, everyday is a good day to invest. That was until you find all you saving disappeared and maggie mee become you staple food and nasi lemak become a top priority in your wish list. New year comes and its keep happening again and again whether we are ready or not. Just like the menstrual cycle of a virgin, it will come accordingly and some times you have hiccups every now and then, of which they called it “sengugut“. So does our life cycle. Everything that goes up will come down, except our age. Of which reminded me that my another cycle of life is just around the corner.

2009 is just a number. This number probably become very popular with 4-D punters today. Similarly, this number will keep changing as it would normally does. As I don’t normally keep a diary and share my intimate moments with other, I tend to remember more of the good things than the bad things. I guess this is normal with others too. Who want to forget the day you received a good appraisal from your bosses and later got promoted (after years of “penantian dan menaruh harapan“)?, or who want to keep remembering the day a reckless lady driver with a big “P” on the windshield banged into your newly painted car? Unless something so significant happened, than everyday is still the same day to me. In a way, I think that keep me cool as well. The secret of eternal youth.

I am not Nostradamus, but of late we heard a lot of people making scary prophecies. Suddenly we see shamans or “Nujum Pak Belalang” making revelations and prediction on the future of our coming days. This makes a lot of people, the nasilemak-nation become panic, restless, insecure and uncertain. A nasty feeling. But believe me, if we go back to the basic, live within our means and befriended frugality, then this year will become as sweet as the previous years. Yes, I am talking to myself.

Now I have to call my unit trust consultant to top up the unit. Good bye yesterday and welcome tomorrow.

These fridge magnets do not represent my wish-list, or a da Vinci code for you to decipher. It is just to fulfill a request by a blogger friend of mine, who doesn’t believe a cool guy like me is having another freaking hoby like this. There you are my friend.

36 Responses to “Good bye yesterday”

  1. Happy Prosperous New Year bro. πŸ™‚

    wah cool collection of fridge magnets πŸ™‚

  2. Happy Prosperous New Year bro. πŸ™‚

    wah cool collection of fridge magnets πŸ™‚

  3. Salam bro ..happy new year…woowww the secret of eternal youth revealed ha…ahaha

    Cool!!! my mum has a lot of collection too…every times we travel, we will get one for a result both fridge door already occupied. I will contribute to ur collection later InsyaAllah when I land myself to the our beloved ‘boleh’ land.

  4. Salam bro ..happy new year…woowww the secret of eternal youth revealed ha…ahaha

    Cool!!! my mum has a lot of collection too…every times we travel, we will get one for a result both fridge door already occupied. I will contribute to ur collection later InsyaAllah when I land myself to the our beloved ‘boleh’ land.

  5. wah byk nye fm..aku kalo nak beli idak kalo org bagi amik aje..haha

  6. wah byk nye fm..aku kalo nak beli idak kalo org bagi amik aje..haha

  7. Greg,
    cool collection for the cool guy πŸ˜‰

    looking forward to receive a cool fm from freemantle.

    itu collection yang terselamat dari otomen Dyna dan Tiga punye penangan.

  8. Greg,
    cool collection for the cool guy πŸ˜‰

    looking forward to receive a cool fm from freemantle.

    itu collection yang terselamat dari otomen Dyna dan Tiga punye penangan.

  9. Faisal Admar Says:

    haha. suppose unit trust is for long term invesment. no? its like you have to wait for at least 5 years to collect good dividend? i never like unit trust so i don’t pay much attention. only fd and asb look good to me. if my asb is not full yet, then i won’t go for fd of course based on the great dividend by asb of course and i do not have to wait like asn hehe. 7-12% range is good and since its so called government investment, its safer than any other investment. the margin is good. i know most people said you can’t be rich if you are afraid to use money to gain money. but unit trust still not my favorite. for me, if you want to use your money to gain your money it should be through business. what about internet cafe, laundry or swiftlet? they are much better as we can see the growth of our own hard work. that is just me, my opinion πŸ˜›

    number is number but it does effect many things in life. for instant, our age. its just number still, but when add 1 to our age, its totally different. we feel the world is upside down! lol. its pretty weird when we were a kid, we want to grow fast. but when we are a man, we hope that time flies slower. or at least stop for certain period lol. maybe afraid of getting some wrinkles on the face and body. or maybe we haven’t gotten enough money for the future. i don;t know. some even got target to get marry and so on. but still depend on numbers πŸ˜› hey do you watch numbers on tv? crime scene.

    kinda agree with you. everyday is the same day. nothing much. the difference is only you go home in stress or you go home with smile. most of the time stressful hehe. i know.

    how sweet was previous year? its kinda bitter to me. i felt sad when singing aud lang syne to my 2008 but at the same time i feel warm with 2009. i hope 2009 will give me better life and me as a better man.

    ah ok. so you join unit trust eh? PM or CIMB? i heard the best was bank rakyat? CIMB did approach me but since i have a “great deal” with cimb last time (click here)i have no trust in them anymore. guess you joining PM. under which scheme? islamic or china fund? hehe let me know!

    omg! cool fridge magnets! you have been to so many places πŸ™‚ that’s great. but don’t you afraid of kids coming to your house and crying for one? lol.

    happy new year bro πŸ™‚

  10. Daniel Ng Says:

    Hi cool guy, accidentally come to your blog and agreed that u r quite cool man!

    Yup, most of the predictions are quite scary or even depressing but probably this economy downturn could be a good time for many of us to reminded us to to spend less, live within our means, using less credit and go back to the very basic.

    btw, nice collection man!

    Happy New Year!

  11. Grow2g3th3r Says:

    Happy New Year..

    May the New Year 2009 bring lots of happiness, health and success to you and your loved ones,,,

  12. faisal,

    Thanks bro for your valuable insight. I agree with you, for the time being, we better stick to our gun and be cool.

  13. Hi Daniel,

    Nice having to know you, accidentally or no accidentally.

    Happy new year to you too.

  14. Dla,

    Happy new year to you too.

  15. Wallah!!! So many-many-many fridge magnets! πŸ˜€

    Selamat tahun 2009..

  16. DrSam.. i do collect fridge magnets but my little son always ‘pecahkan’.. huh!.. maybe someday we can exchange magnets :p

  17. tny,

    semoga selamat semuanya.

  18. ab geldofg Says:

    tuhan berikan yg tbaik utk kita…cuma jrg amnusia sedar itu semua

  19. dodon,

    that was the challenge when you are having small kids around. tak terkira dah berapa fm yang perlu digam semula πŸ™‚

  20. ab geldofg,

    syukur alhamdulillah.

  21. u juz got tagged ! view aimanis for d tagging =)

  22. bozzobattousai Says:

    happy new year DrSam…

  23. happy new year drsam..harap xterlambat wish ni..heee…

    btw..xterfikir lak ada org yg mmpunyai hobi kumpul fridge magnets..biasanya hobi kumpul setem, old coins n lain2 yg biasa di dengar…dulu kat umah oun banyak gak fridge magnets..tapi almaklumla..ada adik kecik..suka dia amek..rosakkan..kui3..last2..satu pun xtgl…

    k lah..hepi new year again..

  24. Happy new year πŸ™‚
    TQ, salam kunjungan balas

  25. very nice collection..for the 1st time i know a man like to collect the things also. hu

  26. patungcendana Says:

    That was yesterday
    But today life goes on
    You won’t find me in yesterday’s world
    Now yesterday’s gone

    Goodbye yesterday
    Now it’s over and done
    Still I hope somewhere deep in your heart
    Yesterday will live on

    ciplak lagu foreigner…huhuhu

  27. aimanis,
    TQ for tagging me.

    same greeting for you. wishing you a blissful year ahead.

  28. Tun teja,
    semoga ayahanda cepat sembuh

    TQ. I like to collect many things. now my office and my house are like a museum πŸ™‚ everybody is welcome to visit and its free.

  29. atie,

    semoga kita selamat semuanya

  30. patung cendana,

    TQ for a very nice lyric. didn’t know it was from foreigner. I like their songs.

  31. patungcendana Says:

    watch the vid in my blog…plus the lyrics…just posted them…:-)

  32. hi DrSam..

    suka baca blog Dr…hem…dlm keadaan economy sekarang..bagus utk tambah UT kan?.
    sometimes i feel worry…but my agent always said..wut goes down..will goes up..just be patience..
    ehmm..wonder now…bagus tak kalau nak top up…
    oh..suka kumpul magnet itu?
    me too…kemana2 pegi mesti beli..

  33. Good post for welcoming new year.

  34. tomato_masam Says:

    you are just like my mum, penuh fridge kitorang ngn magnet2 pelik~ hihi =)

  35. tikno,
    thanks. wish you a good and prosperous year ahead.

    does it meant I am in the same league as your mom?

  36. patungchendana,
    nice vid. bring back old memories,

    they say “anytime is a good time to invest”

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